Data related to Jiao et al, 2017, Genome research
Genetic Map
GBS based based genetic map of a Pic x Gal F2 population. The GBS data was mapped to the 5.1 of the Pajares genome. The genetic map was build using joinmap on a subset of the individuals (345) depending on the number of missing marker calls and also excluding the parents. For descriptions please see the README. Please note that the genome coordinates in the genetic map file correspond to Arabis alpina genome version 5.1Data related to Willing et al, 2015, Nat Plants
Genome and transcriptome sequencing data
Histone modification data
Expression data
Expression table
Table with gene IDs and raw alignments counts from uniquely mapped reads.
Clusters of orthologous groups
1x1 orthologs between A. thaliana and A. alpina.
All orthologs between A. thaliana, A. lyrata, C. rubella, S. parvula, E. salsugineum, B. rapa and A. alpina.
README describing file format
All orthologs between A. thaliana, A. lyrata, C. rubella, S. parvula, E. salsugineum, B. rapa and A. alpina.
README describing file format